"Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts." - Yahoo Serious

January 17, 2005

Slouching out of oblivion

Sado-Maso 7 inch sleeve

Slouching out of oblivion. No, Bitter Cinema is not on permanent hiatus. Yes, I've been slacking. And yes, I've been watching and thinking about movies, and I've found a fresh new impetus to write about them again. And no, I didn't see the Golden Globes.

Speaking of fresh, courtesy of Bedazzled!, a cool and nifty audio and video blog I stumbled upon the past couple of days, a hoary little Scopitone of a strange 1968 French number by De Giafferi entitled Sado-Maso. Monsieur De Giafferi appears and sounds like a poor man's Gainsbourg, also recalling the cruel insouciance of Christopher Lee, particularly in late '60s international Harry Alan Towers productions. And speaking of Lee and Towers, doesn't the clip's frenzied and psychedelicized mise en scene resemble Jesus Franco's S&M Eurotrash chic of the same period? Had Franco a hand in this little endeavor?

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