"Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts." - Yahoo Serious

January 19, 2005

El Vampiro Sangriento

The Bloody Vampire!!

A meticulous labor of love: more than a hundred frame grabs from The Bloody Vampire, K. Gordon Murray's English language version of the Mexican horror film El Vampiro Sangriento. Alas, there's no text to explicate the images, so unless you've seen the movie (I haven't), you may be at a loss to know the significance of each image and how they relate to each other, except to possibly discover the odd, dusty poetry of some of them: the skeletal coach driver; the sloping arches; this mixture of eros and science; the vampire's tome; the frightened maiden and the jiggling ornate doorknob; a dinner table borrowed from Citizen Kane, and this outtake from L'Age d'Or; and a whole lot more. It looks exceptionally well shot in any case. Piece together the images and form your own narrative. Or check out the movie. It's probably not bad.

From the K. Gordon Murray website.

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