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May 31, 2003

Unused DVD Commentaries

Unused DVD commentaries from McSweeney's: Ann Coulter and Dinesh D'Souza on Aliens

COULTER: It's not Hicks's fault. It's Gorman's. Hicks has a shotgun. And I have to say, my heart sort of pitter-patters when he cocks it. I just like the sound. Oh, my. Here the Corporation Marines have stumbled across a wall-implanted nest of dead and near-dead colonists. My question about this sequence, though, is this: If a woman is pregnant with an alien, does she have the right to an abortion? D'SOUZA: That's a tricky one. COULTER: Because we see here that some of the colonists have, in fact, been impregnated by aliens. D'SOUZA: I'm going to make an uncharacteristic admission for both of us: this is a tough, complicated issue. On the one hand you have these unborn aliens, and their lives are sacred. But really, these humans are in no way equipped to take care of them adequately once they're born. COULTER: So they should go ahead and give birth to the alien, but destroy it immediately afterwards? D'SOUZA: I think so, yes.

Also, Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky on The Fellowship of the Ring.