"Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts." - Yahoo Serious

May 26, 2003

Groovy Film Music

Looking for some groovy film music? Look no further, and direct your browser to Exploitika! 60's & 70's Soundtrack Radio, where they have two streams running (under the auspices of Live365), Cinegroovin', which dedicates itself to the groovier '60's and '70's movie sounds, and Bloodstream, which specializes in horror film soundtracks from the '60's to the present. If it's any indication, I've been listening a lot to the Cinegroovin' stream. A lot funkier and jazzier. If you're into prog, you might dig the darker sounds of Bloodstream ( a lot of Keith Emerson, Rik Wakeman, and, of course, Goblin.

For more streaming sounds, head over to A Fistful of Soundtracks which, maybe not as esoteric as Exploitika, carries a lot of cool movie sounds, complete with back announcing like a college dj! Then you have Streamingsoundtracks.com, while more mainstream than the others I've listed, has a choice of streams based on bandwidth, and, independent of Live365, carries no advertising. It also has the largest library, so it probably won't be prone to repeating itself as the others.

For info on some of the groovier tracks, check out Score, Baby!, where you can find audio samples and cover pics of '70's Six Million Dollar Man and Kojak kid comic book/records, which I saw when I was a kid, but was of course too cool to ask my parents to buy. Stupid! Movie Grooves, out of the UK, specializes in selling this lind of esoterica, like Kosmos, a collection of cues from '60's and '70's East German science fiction films.