"Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts." - Yahoo Serious

May 15, 2003


The Minutemen were one of the best rock bands in America during the 'eighties. There are many times I feel they were the best, period: brittle insurgent jazzfunkpunk for the workers; aural samizdat for the less than zero 'eighties; less than perfect revolutionaries whose lyrics emphasized personal testimonies and pothead poetry over polemics, bathroom wall slogans over sliced and diced dialectics, but with a warmth, humor, and, above all, a palpable heartfelt sincerity that belied their self-description as "scientist rock". And, no, the Minutemen are not responsible for nu-metal.
In 1985, SST Records were set to release Corndogs, a video history and document of the band. Legend has it that the master tape was stolen from the van that was heading for the duplication plant where it would be manufactured. Unbelievably, this was the only copy. Cheap dupes did exist and circulate, but they were more than several generations away from the original, contained gaps in the continuity, and had a time stamp on the lower lefthand corner. These were the only copies around.
One of these copies was posted on the Corndogs.org which compiles "live and rare audio and video form various Mike Watt incarnations", which, of course, includes the Minutemen. It's a great site, with tons of audio stuff. And it also includes about all that's available from the Corndogs video. It's pretty crappy looking, but it's the best we've got, plus it's the Minutemen. Quicktime format.