"Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts." - Yahoo Serious

June 04, 2004

1219 Sample Sources

A list of 1219 sample sources in various recordings, of which almost all are from movies. Number one? That distinction belongs to Blade Runner, which seems obvious enough, considering that film's place and importance within cyber and techno undergrounds. Other popular sources include Star Trek (actually a cheat, as it encompasses all the movies, and the TV shows), Apocalypse Now, Aliens, and, surprisingly, Exorcist III. It's interesting to note how the genres break down. There's science fiction (which are sampled by mainly techno and electronic acts), horror (metal and industrial), and gangster films (hip hop). Even Godard is included, with Alphaville coming in at 263, although it misses Cobra Verde's rip of Alpha 60's voice in their album Viva la Muerte.

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