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April 21, 2005

Twin Psychos

Psycho twinned

Quick online viewing tip-- An effortless looking melding of the shower murder sequence from Hitchcock's and Van Sant's Psycho(s) from filmmaker Frank Hudec. It's interesting to note that most of the images in the Hitchcock version are flipped so we can see one shot as the mirror image of the other. It's also obvious how Janet Leigh is so much more expressive than Anne Heche, from the sensual abandon she exhibits in the shower leading up to her abject terror during the attack. It's a testimony to the acting chops of the late, great Ms. Leigh. Heche, on the other hand, seems to be phoning it in; or maybe it's just '90s post-ironic cool. Speaking of '90s cool, Van Sant's artsy inserts during the scene (a cow on the road, a tempetuous sky), were excised in favor of a more seamless sequence (I suspect some heavy duty and meticulous editing went into the making of this piece).

There are some other short pieces on Hudec's site worth taking a gander at, including a sort of dance remix of scenes from The Usual Suspects.

Yeah, I found this through Metafilter.

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