The halcyon days of VHS! -- who knew that we would be nostalgic for those glorious hours spent in the mom-and-pop video store, with the oversized boxes, faded from constant plate-glass sunlight... and the boxes, empty and cellophane wrapped (the tapes shelved safely behind the counter), lighter than air almost, would tumble like hollow dominoes with the merest brush of an elbow. And the forbidden pleasures and horrors the box's artwork would promise-- as if you would never see a movie bloodier and and more debasing than
Dr. Butcher, M.D. (Medical Deviant), until you run across a tattered box for
Bloodsucking Freaks, and then, one step beyond, the
non plus ultra of home video depravity,
Faces of Death, where real people actually died on screen! What a world!
See glorious examples of VHS box-art with Critical Condition's A Visual History of Video Companies in the 80s, a series that begins with examples of Paragon's releases, and will update with examples of other video producers like Midnight Video, Gorgon Video, Media Home Entertainment and Wizard Video. 2 day rentals only $2.50! Free popcorn!